Chopped Cabbage Salad – Malika’s Salad

Paula says she and her friends call this salad “Malika’s Salad” because her friend Malika shared it with them many years ago.  Yum!
Malika’s Salad
3T honey (melted)
3T apple cider vinegar
1T soy sauce
bit of Tabasco or cayenne, to taste
1/2 tsp powdered ginger
1 clove garlic, crushed (or use about 1/4 tsp garlic powder)
1/4 tsp toasted sesame oil (or more)
1/3 – 1/2  Cup mayonnaise (original recipe calls for 1 cup, but I think that’s way too much)
roasted almonds, chopped coarsely – about 1/2 cup
Chinese cabbage (Sui Choi or Napa Cabbage), chopped coarsely – about 1/2 large cabbage
Romaine lettuce, chopped coarsely – one medium
Cilantro, chopped – 1 bunch
green onions, chopped – 1 bunch
snow peas, cut into thirds or quarters – about 2 cups
Dressing – Melt honey and add all other ingredients except mayo. Add mayo and mix well (shake in a jar or mix lightly in a blender).
Combine salad ingredients and dress just before you plan to serve it.
I never measure the salad ingredients so amounts are my best guess.

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