Harbourside Cohousing in Sooke Opens – Congratulations to Ronaye Matthew and CDC!

MLA John Horgan, left, with one of the Harbourside Co-housing founding members Margaret Critchlow, and the architect behind the seniors

MLA John Horgan, left, with one of the Harbourside Co-housing founding members Margaret Critchlow, and the architect behind the seniors’ complex, Peter Treuheit. The trio are holding photos of what Sooke Harbourside Cohousing looked like when the team first got started. — Image Credit: Octavian Lacatusu/Sooke News Mirror

Chalk up one more win for Ronaye Matthew, CDC, and of course for the new residents of Canada’s newest cohousing community, Harbourside Cohousing in Sooke, BC. Harbourside is BC’s first seniors cohousing community and just the second of its kind in Canada.


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